Carl Zeiss AG


Together, we are challenging the limits of imagination. 
How? By seeing beyond.

Carl Zeiss AG is a leading company in the precision mechanics and optics industry and celebrated its 175th anniversary in 2022 – and this event is more than just a historical milestone in the company’s history. It represents 175 years of Seeing beyond – pushing boundaries in science and in the imagination through optical precision – together with customers and partners. The discovering look beyond the horizon of the known. “Seeing beyond” thus stands for the attitude of driving social and cultural power, progress, responsibility and well-being, to create a positive future for us all. But how to illustrate this innovative power, this forward-looking attitude and the company’s performance.

A major focus of the company is semiconductor research. In this context, let’s assume that you are currently reading this text via your smartphone. Have you ever thought about how this enormous performance of your smartphone? ZEISS does not produce the smartphone – others do, but who makes it possible for your smartphone to be so powerful?

It’s the installed high-performance microchips, whose research and development are shaped by ZEISS. This is just one small example of the work that ZEISS does. There are countless technological achievements that we take for granted that would be inconceivable without ZEISS research and development.


Image @ ARS Electronica

And to manifest the history of this innovative power of ZEISS, we at Dorten were allowed – as part of the anniversary – to create seven films on the complex and innovative work of ZEISS for the technology group’s own museum in Oberkochen.

The films are based on the megatrends of our time and surprise with interesting facts about technological developments of the company, which ZEISS has initiated in the past to positively influence the future of all of us. The films are presented on interactive media installations that ZEISS has jointly developed with ARS Electronica Solutions.

Visit Oberkochen to watch!